He’s won City Finals.
He’s gotten straight As.
He’s even brought a loose pitbull home so it wouldn’t get hit by a car -
But I’ve never been more proud of Topher than I have been for the past two weeks. When he found out that he was a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case and had to isolate - missing the final two practices of his shortened hockey season and his entire spring break - he didn’t complain.
Not even once.
He’s only ten, but he gets it. He understands that it’s not about us and our rights - it’s about protecting other people.
I’ve struggled over the past year. We all have. In my family there’s been a cancer diagnosis, surgery and treatment. There’s been illness and there’s been death. There’s been quarantine, home-learning, in-person learning, and isolation. There have been arguments and tears.
But for me, the hardest thing about this past year has been realizing how many people - especially in the Christian community - just don’t get it, or just don’t care.